Green Team Induction Meetings
Francistown and Sehitwa
Botswana Climate Change Network will be holding community Green Teams inception meetings at Francistown and Sehitwa on the 16th and 22ns March respectively.
While grassroots communities are on the frontlines of the climate crisis, the current model of climate action carries a top-down approach that leaves community voices unheard and keeps grassroots actors out of the decision-making processes. It is thus necessary to transition to a bottom-up model that embraces local knowledge, ingenuity, and local social structures, as well as their role in advancing the climate agenda.
The aim of the Green Team initiative is to support local advocacy efforts by establishing the necessary social infrastructure to engage and connect communities. The initiative acknowledges that people have the knowledge, wisdom and resources that they need within themselves to make the changes they want.
Renewable Energy Governance Workshop
Ensuring a People-Centred Energy Transition in Africa Through Civil Society Engagement Project
The Botswana Climate Change Network, the Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) and Germanwatch are implementing a project “Ensuring a People-Centred Energy Transition in Africa Through Civil Society Engagement”. The project is a regional initiative that is being implemented in Botswana, Cameroon, Nigeria, Morrocco and Kenya and its main objective is to equip civil society organisations, parliamentarians, politicians and other relevant stakeholders with skills, knowledge and tools to engage in renewable energy policy and project development and strengthen their participation in dialogues and intervention at domestic, continental and global levels.
Botswana Climate Change network is hosting a dialogue that explores avenues for strengthening structures of political parties, parliamentarians, civil society organisations and other stakeholders to better respond to and represent the needs of the citizens in the energy sector. The workshop will endeavor to contribute to the Country’s realization of the renewable energy targets, National Determined Contributions and other supporting instruments and strategies, as well as deepening energy governance in the Country.
Intergrating Women Businesses in to the Economy
The Integrating Women Businesses into the Green Economy (IWB-GE) Project is an ambitious initiative implemented by the Botswana Climate Change Network (BCCN) with the support of the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). It is designed to foster inclusive green economic growth within Botswana's energy sector, emphasising the empowerment and involvement of women in the Makgadikgadi Wetland System's communities. This project is a critical step towards achieving gender equality in energy access and participation, while also contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the promotion of green enterprise development in Botswana.
BCCN will be engaging with local leaders, communities, and technical experts to foster support for the project's objectives and ensure the successful integration of renewable energy solutions within the target communities.